Kamlanie met Morsuk Kam
Full Moon - Firerituals
Every Full Moon we hold a fire ceremony in the spirit of classical Siberian shamanism, called Kamlanie. The purpose of the ceremony is to use the accumulated energy of the full Moon to break through old patterns, to give to the fire and to transform. We add positive healing energy for ourselves and humanity; that she may become more aware of the sanctity of Mother Earth and the interconnectedness between us all; humans, plants and animals. We feed the spirits of our immediate environment through the fire and our sacrifices. They have had to suffer for a long time in oppression and suffocation under asphalt, the pollution, cutting, etc.etc. Our connection with our environment is important to restore, the physical connection but also our invisible connections. In this way, we establish a direct connection with our environment and help it recover.
The ceremony is less focused on our own self, but for the community and the greater whole, although we are of course also part of this, we obviously do share in the energy. The evening closest to the full Moon we gather as a community at the ritual fire to do healing work for our community, for the well-being of our fellow human beings and the Earth. For the community - by the community.
As humanity, we are in a transitional situation that will determine our future. There is a major climate problem partly due to our disrupted connection with Mother Earth and we are still in the process of hurting her badly, as well as her creatures. There is a lot of fear considering corona and also fear of changes that we will have to make to get through this transition in a good way.
Let's make a sacred fire together, drum, sing and dance, whatever you want, to help us humans go through this transition in a good way and to remember the original human values ​​and our connection with all living things .
Several people around the world participate in this ceremony, from a distance, at the same time. We create a network of shamans and shamanic practitioners who all work in the same way. Together we heal our environment and provide regeneration for our tormented Mother Earth. We activate old places of power in nature or create new ones.
You can also participate from your home with a special candle that you can use only for this. Any flame will do, just as each of us adds a little energy to the whole so that together we can make a big difference. Complete the ceremony in your own way, but at least take the above intention with you, give it to the ritual fire.
Ik en Sjamaan Morsuk tijdens kamlanie

Vuurritueel Estland - van Morsuk Kam
The ceremonies are coordinated by the international community Spirit of Wolf. Spirit of Wolf is an international organization for the preservation of classical Siberian shamanism and universal human values ​​and stands for spread of the shamanic ideology in order to remind people of their connection with the Earth. In this way Spirit of Wolf aimes for a more harmonious life of man and nature, respect for creation and for the Great Spirit and hopes to create a more hopeful future for our descendants.
Fundamental values ​​of me and Spirit of Wolf are therefore:
- Spiritual freedom and self-empowerment through direct and profound experience
- Friendship, humanity, honoring diversity as the different expressions of the Great Soul
- Responsibility for own actions in love and respect for Mother Earth
- Truth and clarity in the light of the universal laws of nature and the universe
We are all brothers and sisters, living under the same Sky.
We are the guardians of the Earth and the children of the Sky.
The ceremonies will be held publicly to attend, just a small donation is requested to contribute to the land masters for the use of the property. If you do not have a donation or you are short of cash; send an email and we will always solve it. Having no money never means that you cannot attend.
What can you take with you (not mandatory) :
- drum
- white foods such as white bread without salt, flour, rice, milk, nut milk, sugar, sweet cakes (don't bring too much or else we're going to have to have a second diner)
- flowers
Middengaarde (Midgard engl.)
Galecopperzoom 7
the Netherlands
Dates and times:
August 30, 2020 - Kamlanie full Moon ritual
October 3, 2020 - Kamlanie full Moon ritual
October 31, 2020 - Kamlanie Full Moon Ritual and Honoring of the Ancestors
November 28, 2020 - Kamlanie Full Moon Ritual
December 13, 2020 - Kamlanie full Moon ritual
