What is het Vrouwenrad?
Het Vrouwenrad was founded by Mirjam van Donselaar with the idea of creating a platform for the Sacred Feminine. Through het Vrouwenrad she shares knowledge and provides practical tools to learn to (re)discover the female spiritual traditions from Northwestern Europe, in order to get connected to our own roots and to give the female esoteric a place in this society. With this we restore women (and men!) in their power and in this way I want to contribute to an equal society; a society in balance, a society of peace. In collaboration with Michelle Hendriks, falicitates the Temple of the Lady, a place where the Lady of the Low Countries is honored in all her aspects and people get to know Her again. In addition, Mirjam gives workshops, training and lectures on this subject and writes blogs. She has published a collection of poems called "Dagaz" which is about her spiritual journey that is non-dualistic and shamanic in nature. Keep an eye on this website for more developments.
Activities of het Vrouwenrad
Het Vrouwenrad provides a wide range of activities, including:
- Lectures
- Trainings
- Workshops
- Women's coaching
- Ritual counseling
- Earthing sessions
- Publications
- Online training
Want to know more? Then look under the heading "Offer" and "Agenda" and subscribe below for the monthly newsletter with news about the activities of het Vrouwenradl, new blogs, interesting links, books and knowledge, and much more .